Why choose me?

First of all, I want you to know me and my work before you book with me… this should feel like a perfect fit for both of us! One thing I’ve learned over the years is that not everyone wants what I have to offer, and that’s perfectly ok. If you do love what I do though, and decide you’d like work with me, I’m all yours and I will do everything I can to provide you with a fun and memorable experience. I’ll always do my best to put you at ease from the beginning of the process to the very end. I want this experience to result in some beautiful images of course, but also some beautiful memories.

How do we decide on a location?

I have several locations I love to shoot at and I’m also always up for trying something new. In my questionnaire, I ask questions to help navigate what type of location may be best for you and your family, and I’m happy to talk through that with you as well! I’m also happy to travel a bit to find some cooler spots in the summer or to explore some different scenery. Share your vision with me, and I will do my best to bring it to life.

What happens after booking?

Shortly after you book your session, I’ll send my Client Guide, which includes tips to help you prepare for your session, styling suggestions, and what to expect during our time together. Considering the questionnaire you fill out during booking, I’ll send a few location suggestions and we’ll get that nailed down. After your session, you can expect your online gallery within 4 weeks, which includes both full and web sized images for download. Through the gallery link, you’ll also have the option to purchase professional wall art, prints and albums.

What if my kiddos don’t cooperate?

Most don’t at first! But that’s the beauty of my style. I love to be relaxed and document their authentic little-selves and personalities in this moment. My sessions are child led. If your kiddo needs a snuggle, we’ll pause and snuggle and I’ll document all the love, connection and tiny details of their sweet little hands wrapped up in your hair… If they’re a little restless, we’ll go explore and find some cool rocks or wild animals. We’ll play games, I’ll chase them, they’ll answer silly questions and giggle. I want them to be themselves, and I want you to have documentation of these fleeting stages they’re in. If they have a special stuffed animal or blankie that is important to them, bring it along and we’ll document that too!

What does a session with you look like?

Sessions generally last 60-75 minutes, unless otherwise noted. Most of my outdoor sessions are held during either Golden Hour (last hour before sunset) or during Sunrise, because lighting is everything and that’s when it’s the prettiest! Indoor sessions are generally held mid morning or mid afternoon depending on the lighting in your home, but we can figure that out after we book. I do everything I can to prepare my clients and ease minds so that the entire experience can be enjoyable and as stress-free as possible. We will start by getting a few more traditional posed shots with everyone looking at the camera, but that’s not my main focus, nor will that be the majority of your gallery. Once we get those out of the way, we’ll play some games, snuggle, giggle and explore. I truly want you to look back on this experience with the most fond memories and years from now, when you look back at your images, I want you to be brought back to this beautiful season of life, as crazy as it may be.

What if the weather sucks or we need to cancel?

Living in AZ, unless it’s monsoon season, our weather is pretty dependable and easy to plan around. If we get lucky and have some exciting weather, wind or extreme temps that day, we will work together to determine whether it may be a good idea to postpone your session or change the time slightly to allow for the best lighting, however, I usually tend to wait until the day of to switch, because things can change quickly here in the desert. If you have makeup or hair appointments set, we’ll discuss the day before. I’m happy to be flexible and I always keep your family’s needs in mind. If you need to reschedule because someone is sick, we can work that out too! I have a family of my own and I totally get that life happens!

How do we decide on a location?

I have several locations I love to shoot at and I’m also always up for trying something new. In my questionnaire, I ask questions to help navigate what type of location may be best for you and your family, and I’m happy to talk through that with you as well! I’m also happy to travel a bit to find some cooler spots in the summer or to explore some different scenery. Share your vision with me, and I will do my best to bring it to life.

What can I expect after our session?

Within the first week after our session, I’ll send a small sneak peek, followed by your full online gallery within 4 weeks. From your gallery, you’ll be able to download your full resolution along with web sized images (I’ll do all the resizing for you), share with friends and family, and order beautiful, professional quality printed products, including gorgeous keepsake albums (my personal favorite).