A year of your moments artfully documented and then curated into a luxury keepsake album to be cherished for decades to come.

The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.
— Andy Warhol
  • If you’re a parent, you know how much our little ones change month to month and there are likely so many seemingly small, but oh so important moments you never want to forget… those bedhead sleepy-eyed morning snuggles, a birthday celebration, grandparent visits, bath time, a little league game, backyard summers, a family sledding day, a baking day, bike rides with the fam… and so many more. This package allows me to document these fleeting moments, and to document all the unyeilding transitions that happen in a year’s time. Your favorite images will be thoughtfully and artistically curated into a beautiful 12”x12” album, where they can be cherished forever.


  • This Package includes 6 one hour long sessions and can be a combination of any of the above or whatever other fun ideas you (or we together…I’ll help!) come up with that are important and unique to you and your family! These sessions must be spread out over at least six months (no more than 1/month) to allow room in my schedule to accommodate all of my clients. This package also includes a beautiful, hand curated 12x12 album to keep your memories safe and tangible.


  • This package includes 4 one hour sessions throughout the year, and must be planned quarterly. All packages include a beautiful hand curated album to treasure forever.


FAQ’s or what I think will be anyway ;)

  • Can we do a more traditional family session as one of our sessions? - Absolutely! And my Year Well Loved clients will get first dibs on dates too :)

  • How far will you travel for these sessions? - These packages include travel up to 30 miles from area code 85383 for each session, but if you’re wanting to travel further for a family adventure or to document a little getaway, I would charge a small travel fee of $50/hour of additional travel time.

  • Do we have to be styled and dressed up for each session? - Absolutely not!! Many of these sessions are meant to be me dropping in to document already beautiful but simple moments that are already happening on a regular basis.

  • Can we make payments throughout the year? - Absolutely. These packages are an investment and I completely understand that. I am happy to work with you to find a payment plan that works with your budget and time frame. If you need to adjust your retainer fee, that is also possible. Just communicate with me and we can work something out!

  • Any other questions, please email me!